Back-to-School with Client Services
With it being “back-to-school” month, we thought it would be fun to take three little trips down memory lane with our Client Services team. You know them for helping you with contributions and withdrawals, updating your contact information, and so much more, but what do you know about Rick, Concetta, and Jen in the days a bit before joining Christopher Street? Read this article to find out!
Rick de Beauclair, Director of Client Services
Nickname in School: Ricky
Favorite Subject: Home Economics. Though Rick doesn’t consider himself a cook today, he has fond memories of his Home Economics teacher, Mrs. Fernandez, and that they made a lot of cakes. Rick says Mrs. Fernandez “really cared about her students and wanted them to learn.”
Club Memberships: Rick belonged to the Pierus Club that published a literary journal. Rick didn’t write, but he liked helping to select the stories and essays that would be included in the publication. This manifests today in our office, as Rick is one of our very best proofreaders!
Special Talents: Rick played the saxophone and guitar.
High School Mascot and Colors: Rick’s high school mascot was Annie the Antelope and the school colors were red and black.
Concetta Gioeli, Client Service Specialist
Nickname in School: Cetta
Favorite Subject: Math
Favorite Teacher: Miss Small, who taught math. Concetta says she was “down to earth and kind” and she nominated Concetta for Student of the Month! Concetta also admits she was the teacher’s pet.
High School Sports: Concetta was a cheerleader (see photo) and cheered for the football and basketball teams. She still remembers some of the cheers, so if you ask her nicely, you might get your “spirit checked”!
Special Talents: Concetta played the flute.
High School Mascot and School Colors: The Falcons and the colors were maroon and grey
Jennifer Date, Client Service Specialist
Nickname in School: Jenny Poo – though Jen made it clear she does not advise you to use that nickname today.
Favorite Subject: Math. Is there a Client Services pattern here?
Favorite Teacher: Miss Burns in 3rd Grade. Jen says she was “just awesome. Young, hip, and cool”. Plus, Miss Burns had a bunny. We think Jen is young, hip, and cool too, without a bunny.
High School Clubs: Jen was in the Chess Club, Glee Club, Color Guard, and danced in the talent show. She swears there are no videos, but we’re still looking.
Special Talents: Jen played the recorder and the viola. Seems like we could start a Client Services band.