It's a Bird! It's a Paper Airplane! It's...Our Logo!
A long time ago, I was listening to a podcast on logos. The host talked about the right arrow that is hidden in the FedEx logo. And now every time I see a FedEx truck, I cannot unsee it! What logos capture your attention?
Take a look at our logo. What do you see?
Go ahead – I’ll wait.
About five years ago, we set out to do some rebranding. An overhaul of sorts. We felt it was time to replace our serifed sage and purple logo of words with something else, but we didn’t know quite what. Our president, Jen Hatch, always fancied something along the lines of a street sign. We gave our wishes and desires to a graphic design firm, and they came back with a few ideas, including the logo we chose.
They didn’t return a street sign, but what they did return was…a map! That’s right – if you looked at our logo and saw a map, then you guessed correctly! But a map of what? Well, of the West Village, the very place that is home to Christopher Street, the birthplace of the gay rights movement.
You can click here to find out why we’re named Christopher Street Financial, with our offices on Park Avenue South.
It’s fitting that our logo is a map. Mapping out our clients’ financial journeys is what we do. We work with you to determine your destination, then we partner with you to chart your course to help you get there. Everyone’s map is different and unique to them. To learn how we can work together to lay out your road map, click here to schedule an introductory call.